Sunday, October 30, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
12 jer? patut 12 k instead...
Malacca university going for foreign links

ALOR GAJAH: The University College of Islam Melaka (UCIM) has embarked on a series of collaborations with foreign universities in a bid to attract foreign students.
Vice-chancellor Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr Mohd Yusoff Hashim said they were targeting to enrol 500 foreign students by 2019 through these collaborations.
Among the universities which had signed bilaterial ties and memorandums of understandings with it were Universiti Srivijaya, Indonesia; College of Management Technology, Sri Lanka; International Peace University, South Africa; Universiti Brunei Darussalam; Ballarat University, Australia; Islamic University, Baghdad; Egypt's University Al-Azhar; and University Al-Bayt of Jordan.
He said the internationalisation of UCIM was also in line with the Higher Education Strategic Plan aimed at making Malaysia an international education hub.
"The presence of a small number of foreign students now is a testament of our quality education syllabus which is internationally recognised," he said, adding that it recently enrolled 12 engineering students from Japan's Meiji University.
During the visit, Meiji University's Student Internationalization Centre director Professor Dr Usomu Ono said the programmes offered in UCIM, especially in the area of biotechnology, was the main reason for the cooperation.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
murah + "meriah"...
Call to send more students to Indonesia
JAKARTA: The rise in the number of Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2010 high achievers should push the government to offer more scholarships to students to further their studies abroad, including Indonesia.
The president of the Malaysian Students Association in Indonesia, Khairul Hafidz Alkhair Khairul Amin, said the government must continue sponsoring students to Indonesia because it will produce a generation of credible individuals and future leaders.
The government's move to send fewer students to Indonesia, especially for medical courses in the past two years, should be reviewed, considering its long-term effects on the country, he said in a statement here.
"There are several reasons why the government should consider Indonesia. Firstly, it is much cheaper to send medical students to Indonesia compared to the United Kingdom and Ireland," he said.
Khairul Hafidz said sending a student to the UK or Ireland would cost about RM1 million, while sending them to Indonesia only required between RM300,000 and RM400,000 per person.
He said the government could save one-third of the cost and fund three times more students to take up medicine, adding that the tropical and infectious diseases found in Indonesia were similar to those in Malaysia.
Khairul Hafidz urged Malaysians, especially parents, to stop having a negative perception of the neighbouring country following several demonstrations during strained relations between both countries in the past, as those involved did not represent the whole of Indonesia.
He also asked the government to evaluate students on their co-curricular activities in awarding scholarships. -- Bernama
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
guru BI meh MY & cikgi BM p overseas...
BM classes to woo talent home
Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said this would help their children ease into life in Malaysia should they decide to return to contribute their talents towards nation building.
Such a move would also complement the efforts of Talent Corporation, which has been established under the Prime Minister's Department to engage Malaysians living abroad to return to Malaysia.
Muhyiddin, who is also education minister, said it had been pointed out to him by Malaysians living overseas that one of the factors that made them uncertain about a move home was their children's inability to converse in the national language.
"Malaysians in London, many of whom have children, had asked me whether they could set up a Bahasa Malaysia school there.
"We can work on it but because it is something new, we need to study the cost implications, how many children will be involved, where it can be held, and teacher training," he told Malaysians in Denmark at a dinner held in conjunction with his visit here for the two-day Asia-Europe Meeting (Asem) Conference of Ministers of Education.
This point was also highlighted by a participant during a question-and-answer session with Muhyiddin after dinner.
There are 157 Malaysians in Denmark who have registered with the embassy, of which 12 are doctoral students in technical fields. Those working here are in the engineering, shipping, and oil and gas industries.
Muhyiddin pointed out that Malaysians abroad with teaching skills and expertise could help kick-start the classes.
"The Education Ministry can help provide and train teachers, as well as send over books and other learning materials."
Muhyiddin noted that people in Denmark had an admirable trait in that they gave priority to their national language even though many of them could speak English.
"Here, people are proud of their national language even though they can speak in English. In Malaysia, there continues to be a debate over the use of the English language and our mastery of Bahasa Malaysia.
"We know Bahasa Malaysia is the national language but, at the same time, we also give serious attention to English.
"In this regard, I am proud to converse in Bahasa Malaysia even though I am also proficient in English," he said, to applause from those present.
At the question-and-answer session, Muhyiddin was asked several questions ranging from whether the government would encourage Malaysians to cycle, as most Danes do, to ease public transport woes, to the controversy over nasi lemak being served in school canteens.
He said the debate over nasi lemak was actually not a big issue.
"Some quarters have, however, claimed that the proposal to limit the sale of nasi lemak in canteens was a move to deny Malays their trade. All this should not have arisen.
"This is a health issue. We want to curb obesity among schoolchildren and ensure canteens provide nutritious food.
"Nasi lemak is our traditional food and it is well known worldwide. For me, the dish is not a problem, but we must pay heed to the amount we eat.
"Besides, it is not merely canteen food that contributes to obesity but also food that is served at home, as well as the sedentary lifestyle of children."
In his speech, Muhyiddin shared with Malaysians in Denmark the steps taken by the government to further develop the economy, human capital and infrastructure; improve the education and public transport systems; curb crime and corruption; and build a high-income nation.
On the Asem Conference of Ministers of Education, where he will be presenting a speech on engaging business and industry in education, Muhyiddin said it will give him an opportunity to forge closer educational ties with Europe as well as share with participants the developments in Malaysia.
Asem is an informal process of dialogue and cooperation bringing together the 27 European Union member states and the European Commission with 16 Asian countries and the Asean Secretariat.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
MUNGKIN sains adalah antara subjek yang sukar mendapat tempat di hati pelajar disebabkan perlu menghafal dan memahami setiap teori dan formula yang terkandung dalam buku teks subjek berkenaan.
Menyedari masalah itu, Kamil Learning & Consultancy (KLC) mengeluarkan produk permainan Superneuron iaitu papan permainan berasaskan pendidikan Sains untuk pelajar tahun empat hingga enam sekolah rendah yang dibangunkan sendiri anak tempatan.
Pengarah Urusannya, Mohd Kamil Idris berkata, produk yang mula dipasarkan pada Mei tahun lalu itu mencatat jualan memberangsangkan dan kini KLC bersedia untuk mengorak langkah lebih jauh memperluaskan pasaran terutama di sekolah.
“Produk ini disasarkan kepada sekolah rendah sebagai persediaan menduduki Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR). Ia memudahkan pelajar menghafal sambil bermain.
“Permainan ini mengandungi kad soalan dan topik berserta jawapan yang sudah disemak serta disahkan oleh guru pakar Sains Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia,” katanya. Beliau berkata, produk yang berharga RM79 seunit itu mendapat sambutan daripada pihak sekolah dan diedarkan oleh 20 ejen yang berdaftar di bawah syarikatnya. “Kita sedang berusaha untuk menghabiskan stok sedia ada dengan harga promosi RM59 seunit sebelum ia diulang cetak dalam masa terdekat,” katanya sambil menambah maklumat mengenai produk boleh didapati di
KLC juga merancang mengeluarkan pelbagai papan permainan berasaskan subjek pelajaran sekolah antaranya Matematik, Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris selain subjek yang terdapat dalam Penilaian Sekolah Rendah Agama (PSRA) seperti Bahasa Arab dan Sirah.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
2 + 1
MSU bantu Eiffa ke La Trobe University
"Berada di perantauan serta jauh daripada keluarga di tanah air tidak menghalang untuk saya terus fokus kepada pelajaran. Sebaliknya menguatkan azam untuk memperoleh keputusan cemerlang," jelas Eiffa Assyadea Mohd Razali, 22.Anak muda kelahiran Kuala Terengganu itu adalah antara enam pelajar Management & Science University (MSU) yang bakal meneruskan pengajian tahun akhir di La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia dalam bidang perakaunan, Faculty of Law & Management. Sebelum ini beliau adalah pelajar tahun dua Bachelor in Accountancy di MSU. Peluang yang ditawarkan itu perlu dimanfaatkan dengan belajar bersungguh-sungguh. Pengalaman pertama ke Australia begitu membanggakan. Kesempatan itu akan digunakan sebaik mungkin.
“Terima kasih kepada MSU, tenaga pengajarnya serta penaja saya, MARA yang banyak menyumbang dalam kejayaan saya,” kata bekas pelajar Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Beseri, Perlis.
Menurutnya lagi, segala ilmu yang diperoleh daripada pensyarah berkaliber di MSU, menambahkan keyakinannya untuk terus cemerlang dalam pengajian.
Baginya MSU menyediakan landasan lengkap dan kini terpulang kepada dirinya mengemudi untuk terus melakukan yang terbaik.
“Saya bersyukur kerana keluarga membantu terutama ibu yang menjadi pendorong serta contoh dalam kejayaan saya’” kata Eiffa Assyadea.
Berpegang kepada prinsip “The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement”, dia menjelaskan, penglibatannya dalam aktiviti anjuran universiti membantu memperlengkapkan diri dengan kemahiran insaniah yang akan membantunya menyesuaikan diri dalam apa juga situasi.
La Trobe University terletak di bandaraya Melbourne adalah rakan universiti MSU melalui Unit Pertukaran Pelajar Antarabangsa atau ISEP.
Sehingga kini MSU mempunyai lebih empat puluh universiti luar negara sebagai pilihan pelajarnya yang berminat menyambung pengajian hingga peringkat antarabangsa.
Maklumat lanjut mengenai program yang ditawarkan di MSU, sila hubungi Counseling & Communication department, ditalian 03-55216868, sms dengan menaip MSUINFOnama dan emel kepada 019-341 9152/016-356 8251/012-249 6551 atau layari
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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At Management & Science University, medical students are given adequate training and exposure to prepare them for the real medical life.
At Management & Science University, medical students are given adequate training and exposure to prepare them for the real medical life.
THE involvement of the Management & Science University (MSU) in medical sciences is to help meet the demand for qualified medical personnel in the country and region.
The university is poised to become a major provider of medical education in Malaysia with the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) programme offered at its main campus in Shah Alam, Selangor, and offshore campus in Bangalore, India.
"There is no difference in the curriculum used at both campuses.
"However, the Bangalore campus provides the opportunity for students to experience an international setting while pursuing their medical degree," says MSU International Medical School dean Professor Dr Normalina Mansor.
"Our involvement in the Indian sub-continent is part of the efforts to promote the Malaysian brand of education to the international community."
Dr Normalina, an ophthalmologist, is optimistic that with the combined wealth of experience of the local and international faculty members, MSU is on the right course to be the university of choice for medical education and medical-related disciplines.
Next year, history will be created when the university's pioneering batch of medical students graduate.
The young doctors will be attached to medical facilities nationwide as part of their internship programme, as stipulated by the Malaysian Medical Council.
"We are confident that the training and exposure given to these graduates have prepared them well to face the real setting of medical life," says Dr Normalina.
"Becoming a doctor is not just about helping to cure the sick, it's also about understanding. Doctors must be able to effectively communicate with patients. Effective communication helps in the healing process."
She stresses that MSU medical students are exposed to activities aimed at enriching their learning experience.
As part of its benchmarking, MSU has linked itself with several international partner universities.
Such links involve the mobility of students and staff, as well as research in related disciplines, which are part of efforts by MSU to turn Malaysia into a hub for educational excellence.
"It looks positive as far as MSU's involvement in the medical field over the next few years is concerned.
"My team and I are excited to be part of this historic development," says Dr Normalina.
Intakes for the MBBS programme are in May and October, and qualified students will sit the Medical Entrance Test to determine their aptitude for the programme.
For more details on MSU programmes, call 03-55216868; email to; send a text message to MBBSname email to 019-3419152/016-3568251/012-2496551; or browse
Read more: MSU set to be hub of medical studies
Sunday, March 13, 2011
medic dalam negara tajaan MARA, bakal di ipts, U BELANDA DI NUSAJAYA + etcs sempena kpm 2011 di pwtc 11-13 mac... + MBBS
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
medicmesir & bumimara...
More than 1,000 seek tickets back to Egypt
KUALA LUMPUR: Student placement agency, MedicMesir, has received more than 1,000 online applications from students for air tickets to return to Egypt.
Its chief executive officer, Siti Haniza Mohd Nazri, said the agency would now be processing these applicants.
"MedicMesir has spoken to various airlines, including MAS, and our efforts are streamlined with the Malaysian government's Ops Piramid task force.
"Regarding ticket bookings, we will not make any reservations or collection of money yet, as we are waiting for the green light from the government."
She added that most state governments had come forward to sponsor tickets for their students' return to Egypt.
"Perlis is offering free tickets while Pahang, Malacca and the Federal Territory are giving free tickets and pocket money. Penang is giving RM2,000."
"We're still waiting for an announcement regarding this from Perak, Sabah, Selangor, Terengganu and Johor. MedicMesir will update the public daily on the ticket issue via its portal"